Wednesday 15 July 2009

Squadron Embraces the D of E Awards

Cadets at 44F (City of Bradford) Squadron have embraced the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme (D of E) with all cadets taken part in, either, their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

In order to achieve the awards the cadets have to complete various tasks, covering Skills, Service, Volunteering and an Expedition. Each cadet has chosen what they want to do for the various sections and how long it would take them to do the task. First Aid and Expedition modules are taught, including camp craft skills.With the whole Squadron involved it makes achieving the Awards a little easier when you undertake task with people you know, for the cadets it was easy, because they learn to work as a team and to help each other.

Officer Commanding Flight Lieutenant Robin Farman RAFVR(T) said “The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is an Internationally recognised Life Skill. The skills the Cadets gain are easily transferred to working life and as such the D of E is an excellent addition to the Cadets life portfolio. I am immensely proud of the Cadets for taking on this challenge and look forward to the day I see them all being presented with their Awards.

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