Tuesday 14 July 2009

Cadets ready to assist

Air Cadets at 44F (City of Bradford) Squadron have successfully gained the Heart Start qualification which forms part of the First Class Syllabus. Almost everyone at the Squadron is now qualified and the Cadets can now move forward to the more advanced levels of First Aid.
the course was run by Sgt ATC Rouse. It is important that the Cadets learn First Aid, as they embark on activities such as camping, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Flying & Gliding. Knowing that they will be able to help and assist should the need arise. The skills learnt can also be used at home, school and in everyday situations. The cadets spent the qualifying eight hours, learning the techniques required and practising (using the resuss dummies) until they could do the techniques with ease.

Officer Commanding Flight Lieutenant Robin Farman RAFVR(T) said “As someone who is themselves a qualified First Aider. It pleases me to see the Cadets complete their Heart Start training. It is a life skill which is extremely useful outside of the Cadets.

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