Monday 17 November 2008

Cadet Meets NASA Astronauts

Cadets and NCO’s from Bradford Air Cadets, went to meet the NASA Astronauts in Bradford during a once in lifetime opportunity and the Squadron did not want to miss it.  Having met as they always do on a Mon and Friday, the cadets and NCO’s went to seek out the NASA Astronauts.  With a bit of negotiation and charm, they finally got the opportunity they had waited for and spent some time chatting with the Astronauts.
Cadet Bostock even managed to get a ticket to join in the evening celebrations laid on for the Astronauts. Cadet Bostock was able to ask the Astronauts in some great detail about their recent mission. Akihiko Hoshide (Japanese Astronaut) asked Cadet Bostock, “The ATC, What is that”, laughing at the question, Cadet Bostock explained what the ATC (Air Training Corps) was, and where the squadron was based.

44F Squadron was formed on the 21st January 1939 as part of the Air Defence Cadet Corps and was given the letter F which stands for founder squadron. Only the first fifty squadrons where given the letter and later the squadron became part of the Air Training Corps in 1941.
Akihiko replied “Aah, well I started flying in a Cessna, and eventually joined NASA”

Shakeela Khaliq of Carlisle Business Centre said, “It was great to invite the cadets from 44F (City of Bradford) Squadron to the event; this was truly a one off opportunity”
The Astronauts, from mission STS – 124, were sent to space to deliver key parts for the International Space Station and in particular the Japanese Science Lab – KIBO. Mission Commander Mark Kelly, Specialist Karen Nyberg and Specialist Kenneth Ham, were more than happy to come and chat with cadets and spent some time with them.

44F (City of Bradford) Squadron is looking for young people aged 13 to 17. It meets at Belle Vue Barracks, off Manningham Lane, on Monday and Friday, 7pm-9pm. For more information call (01274) 742954 or view the rest of the site

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