Sunday 19 October 2008

Bradford Cadets take to the air

Seven teenage Air Cadets from Bradford have flown a aircraft for the first time and have had the opportunity to literally “take control” and pilot the machine themselves. .
Cadet Rahman , Cadet Minshull, Cadet Crouch, Cadet Brewer, Cadet Fuller, Cadet Clay and Cadet Webster, of 44F (City of Bradford) Squadron, Air Training Corps, took control of an aeroplane at RAF Church Fenton.

Officer Commanding, Flt Lt John Seed, said “ It’s great to take new recruits flying for the first time and to see their reaction when they land having taken control for the first time. Not many young people get this opportunity but for Air Cadets it’s what we do best”.
RAF Church Fenton is the home of No. 9 Air Experience Flight and gives air cadets the chance to fly with an experienced pilot by their side while they familiarises themselves with the aircraft.

Bradford squadron is looking for young people aged 13 to 17. It meets at Belle Vue Barracks, off Manningham Lane, on Monday and Friday, 7pm-9pm. For more information call (01274) 742954 or visit the rest of the site.

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